Free Character Profile Templates
Go deeper than appearance and lifestyle for authentic, motivated characters.
Well-developed characters who behave authentically, captivate readers and leave lasting impressions.
Character profiles should be more than a place to keep track of details, they are a way to ensure characters are adequately driven to reach their story goals.
Plot is the foundation of an entertaining story, but how characters react to events, make decisions and process their emotional struggles, is what makes them believable and draws readers onto the pages. These templates will make sure you've gone deep enough with character development and won't forget key details, even if you're writing a series.
You get three templates:
Main Character - Record as much detail as you need, including driving forces and backstory.
Secondary Character - Only record what you need to make the character relevant to the main character and plot.
- World Building - Capture all the details of your story worlds, including physical characteristics, the universe it's in, societies and key historic events.
Personal characteristics, lifestyle, family and childhood details.
- Insert pictures to represent different aspects and important places or objects in their lives.
- Go deeper with some 'reactive question' prompts to figure out their driving forces.
- Make it easy to see the character arc at a glance.
- Include a backstory summary relevant to what formed the beliefs around their internal struggle.
What happens when you click 'Yes, send me the template now' button?
- Drop your details into the newsletter registration form.
- You'll be taken straight to a thank you page.
- Check your email inbox for a confirmation email, with the link to download the templates.
It's that simple!
(If you don't see the email soon, check your junk mail folder)

"I credit this teacher with a quantum shift in my writing. I can literally see the difference!"
Nina Campbell
Queensland, Australia

"Sandy is so supportive and encouraging. She knows how to bring the best out of your writing with constructive and clear feedback. Sandy really helped me to take my manuscript to the next level."
Tanya Nellestein
New South Wales, Australia

"After being bamboozled by how to show a character doing something different to what they're saying, you've put it into context. Thanks."
Annette Laarrakkers
New South Wales, Australia

"The Character Profile template is an excellent tool and I learned so much about my characters from using it."
Avery Cove
Arkansas, USA

Meet Sandy Vaile
Sandy Vaile is an internationally published author with decades of experience in the fiction industry. She supports aspiring authors to write novels they're proud to share with the world (and which get noticed by agents, publishers and readers).
Sandy is an experienced fiction coach, developmental editor and course presenter who takes pride in nurturing aspiring authors to find confidence in their work. In her spare time, she judges writing competitions, runs The Fearless Novelist Facebook group and does a bit of ghost writing.
On a more personal note, Sandy is a motorbike-riding daredevil with a sense of adventure, who is lucky enough to live in the McLaren Vale wine region, so there are plenty of excuses for cheese platters and bubbles.